Saturday, May 07, 2005

SAP versus Oracle Blogs

In this post Richard Byrom compared the blogging activity in SAP and Oracle.

A Google search for "SAP Blog" returned 319 results whilst a search for "oracle blog" returned 1,790 results.

I happen to have to work with the Oracle Databases and as a result I have a strong opinion(TM) on this technology. But I'm going to keep it to myself as Richard's post was an example of fairplay (BTW, do not expect unbiased opinions on my blog! never!)

But returning to his conclusion:

SAP has strong blogging strategy within their own organisation and would appear to be taking a more strategic approach, however, the blog offerings outside of their organisation are some what non existent.

I have to agree. There are few community websites related to SAP technologies, and for sure there are many thousands consultants working with these tools. I suppose that one reason is that people don't love SAP technology. ABAP works, but is ugly. The integrated debugger is great, but debugging the applications is often a nightmare of spaghetti code. The client GUI works well, but it's also unapealing.

I like the concept of APO (the object memory database together with those great optimizers from ILOG). I suppose that's why I write this blog. But there is a lot of stuff that I don't like in APO, starting with the way livecache is implemented as SAPDB dlls, and the the fact that optimizer calls are not explict, and, and, and.

But the nicest of his post was a list of SAP related blogs (and apolemia was in the list, yehhh!). It's time to add a new column to this blog with links to those brave SAP bloggers.


Is it a joke?

From this apobootcamp:

This unique browser-based multimedia presentation brings you the widely acclaimed APO Bootcamp seminar that was recorded live in front of an audience of customers who use SAP software. This full 15-hour program, created by the editors of SAP Insider, includes streaming video of all of the presenters, complete with their slides, demos, and all of the bonus materials that attendees received.

Huau, 15 hours of slides! This reminded me of a SAP employee that went to our company last month to encourage us to upgrade our system. Didn't know anything about SAP, but was good with powerpoint slides, together with doing 100 mentions to SOA in less than an hour (I admit I was a SOA ignorant, but not anymore! ;-) )

YES! I want my own copy of this important event. Rush my APO Bootcamp CD set immediately, for only $995.

Man, only $995 ?! That's less than 70 bucks for each hour of slides!

This is almost as cool as Monty Python's ministry of silly walk. Thanks guys!


Time flys

Geeee, already in May!