Friday, December 06, 2013

More values in SAP domains

Some many years working with the SAP server and it was just recently that I learned it was possible to add more values to standard domains that have a fixed list of values. It is not a big secret, it is just an option in the menu and then it is like append structures in tables.

This was useful to add the missing APO store location 1040 to the CRM domain used in the configuration of location/business partner mapping.

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Nice SAPUI5 quick demo (for someone that knows js/html5)

I found this demo from DJ Adams on SAPUI5 very useful. I know some HTML5 but I have yet to dig into the details of SAPUI5 and with this video it was possible for me to get some feeling of this framework. The first impression is not the best. The XML views, the long namespaces and many small files looks a bit like Java coded in JS. 

I still have the feeling that nobody has yet found "the simple way" of doing UI in the browser. Probably it still needs one more iteration of browser core technologies and maybe ideas like will do it. In any case SAPUI5 is by far the one of the most interesting SAP technologies.